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Shubu Hiwea
Living School
Huni Kuï
Coração da Floresta Village
Jordão River
Municipality of Jordão

Dua Busë is a shaman and a teacher. He lives in Coração da Floresta Village (Heart of the Forest Village), on the Upper Jordão River, in Acre, on the border with Peru. He has deep knowledge of the Huni Kuï – stories, medicines, music and spirituality. Over the years, he has passed on his knowledge to other shamans and apprentices. 

In his village, he created a large garden, which he named Parque União da Medicina (Medicine Union Park), for cultivation, studies and practices of the traditional medicine knowledge of his people. As a great connoisseur, he is concerned with the future of new generations and has been looking for ways to keep the memory alive.

When he gathers in a circle with his people or walks accompanied through his park of medicinal plants, Dua Busë usually says: “it's all that, I am here, the living school is open”.

Dua Busë no Selvagem 2019
Photo: Elisa Mendes, 2019

The Huni Kuï people of Jordão River live a particular experience of school, something that is part of how the elders understand and define all the activities of cultural transmission. Called Shubu Hiwea (Living School) by the shaman Dua Busë, it is a movement that has been experienced and built in different ways in the daily life of the villages. 

Algumas atividades da Escola Viva Huni Kuï:

Una Hiwea – ‘Livro Vivo’ (Living Book). UFMG, 2013

Una Isi Kayawa – ‘Livro da cura’ (Book of Healing)
is a book that brings together in-depth knowledge of plants and medicinal practices.

Una Shubu Hiwea – ‘Livro Escola Viva’ (Living School Book)
Book and exhibition bringing together notebooks from shamans from 26 of the 36 villages on the Jordão and Tarauacá rivers.

Notes on the project Una Shubu Hiwea