Territory: Indigenous Land of the Jordão River - 87,000 ha
Central point: Coração da Floresta [Heart of the Forest] village
Population benefited: 3000 Huni Kuï people
Coordinators: Dua Busë e Teresa Netë
The Shubu Hiwea LIVING SCHOOL is a dream of the shaman DUA BUSË. He lives with his family in the village of Coração da Floresta, on the Upper Jordan River. DUA BUSË has deep knowledge of the HUNI KUÏ culture - of stories, medicine, music and spirituality - and over the years he has passed on his knowledge to other shamans and apprentices. In his village, he has created a large garden, which he has named Parque União da Medicina [Medicine Union Park], where the traditional medicine of his people is cultivated, studied and practiced.
“For this support given, I will pass on a message of joy, peace for us to achieve our strength with confidence within our hearts, within our souls, for our Yuxibu to help even more. May all of us indigenous people achieve joy, our work, our culture, our tradition and all the various indigenous people we have in Brazil, our entire nation, not just one relative.”
Dua Busë
With the monthly support, the shaman Dua Busë can remain in his village. The resource guarantees the existence of this important elder, food, art materials, gasoline and internet access.
Articulate support and exchanges.
Support artistic production in the Coração da Floresta village.
Support weaving and beadwork workshops with the women.
Support the Essence Houses and the training of more specialists.
Dua Busë is a shaman and teacher. He lives in the village of Coração da Floresta, on the upper Rio Jordão, in Acre, on the border with Peru. He has in-depth knowledge of the Huni Kuin culture - stories, medicine, music and spirituality and, over the years, has passed on his knowledge to other shamans and apprentices.
Netë Huni Kuï is a master weaver and knows 26 kenês (sacred graphics) from the Huni Kuï tradition, which dates back to the time of the Shenipabu (ancient people). Together with Dua Busë, she opened the Una Shubu Xinã Kuï weaving school.