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"We must consider the home: we live with the urgent need to make this planet a true home,
or rather, to make our dwelling a true planet,
a space capable of welcoming all and everything
Emanuele Coccia, Philosophy of the Home

Exploring the geological, chronological, and chronic layers of the Planet-Home is the theme of the new edition of CASA-ESCOLA, held in 2024 in partnership with Selvagem e and the Living Schools. Casa do Povo’s educational project experiments each year with new formats in cycles focused on collective, engaged, and experimental practices, featuring activities open to the public and a study group through open call.

From 3 to 26 October, Planet-Home at Casa do Povo brought together diverse spheres of learning that interweave Indigenous and non-Indigenous, traditional, scientific, academic, artistic, and interspecies knowledge and memory. This pedagogical cycle seeks to restore the connection to something as essential as knowing where you are and recognizing the place where you live or are just passing through It also invites a journey to Yvy, as the Guarani name the earth and territory.

Over four weeks, the cycle explored the meaning of home through various layers: the ancestral territory that lies beneath the city’s ground, the space-time of Casa do Povo, the city’s surrounding infrastructure, and a final layer centred on a Living School garden designed and built alongside participants. Activities were free and included immersive experiences, visits, conversations, shared meals, and the collective creation of maps.

As part of the Planet-Home cycle, we also launched Filosofia da Casa[Philosophy of the Home], a new book by Italian philosopher Emanuele Coccia, published by Dantes Editora, featuring drawings by Luiz Zerbini. The launches took place in Rio de Janeiro on October 23 at Tropigalpão, and in São Paulo on October 26 at Casa do Povo. With Selvagem, Emanuele also published the book Metamorfoses [Metamorphoses] (Dantes, 2020) and participated in several conversations and gatherings, which are available on our YouTube channel.

As rodas de conversa nos lançamentos do livro, assim como outros encontros presenciais do ciclo, foram filmadas e darão origem, em 2025, ao ciclo online Planeta-Casa, publicado no canal Selvagem no Youtube.

Below, you’ll find details about the Planeta-Casa cycle program and a gallery with records of the weekly activities and the book launches.


The meetings of this first week aimed to re-establish the connection with something as essential as knowing where you are. Assigning meaning to the names of neighbourhoods, streets, rivers, parks, and valleys is an important key to raising awareness of our origins. A map was created based on the study of Indigenous toponymy by Carlos Papá of the Guarani Mbya people.

03/10 (Thursday) – 8 PM to 10 PM
Open conversation with the public about cartography and the territory of São Paulo, featuring Carlos Papá, Cafira Zoé, Camila Mota (Teatro Oficina), Daniel Caballero, Zé Bueno, and Luiz Campos Jr. (Ruas e Rios).

05/10 (Saturday) – 2 PM to 6 PM
Collective painting of a map of Nhë’ery with Carlos Papá. Open to the public, for children and adults.

NHË’ERY, where the spirits bathe, is how the Guarani name the territory often referred to as the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, a place sustained by water, Y, inhabited by ijás, the guardians of beings, responsible for the trees, animals, and all elements of nature.
In this activity, the attending public participated in the drawing of a map based on research into Indigenous toponyms in the territory of São Paulo.

Week 2: YVY CASA [Yvy House]

What we are
The house of the people of the house
Who is Casa do Povo [People’s House]

Casa do Povo, with all its porosity, was the focus of this week. Participants explored the ecology of practices that make up the ever-expanding community of Casa do Povo, engaging with its networks, coincidences, synchronicities, differences, and complementarities.

Invitation-visits were conducted for each Povo da Casa project, featuring activities such as yoga, boxing, chess, and more.

10/10 (Thursday) – 8 PM to 10 PM – Film Screening: Regenerating Life [open to the public]
Public screening of the film "Regenerating Life: A New Look at the Climate Crisis by John Feldman. The film features interviews with various activists and researchers on topics such as agroecology, collaborative cultures, environmental regeneration, and other themes that intersect with Selvagem’s studies, particularly in the book Regenerants of Gaia cycle (Dantes, 2019) by Fabio Scarano.

Week 3: YVY CASA CIDADE [Yvy House City]

The world’s design we inherit does not always represent us. During the third week of Planeta-Casa, we were guided by the question: "What have we become?" Alongside the collectives Salve Saracura and Saracura Vai-Vai, we walked through the neighbourhoods of Bixiga, Bela Vista, and Bom Retiro, paying attention to the waters buried beneath the city's asphalt and reflecting on waste production and management in the urban environment.

19/10 (Saturday) – 2 PM to 6 PM: collective creation of a city model made with recycled waste, an activity open to the public of all ages and facilitated by Veronica Pinheiro.

Week 4: YVY CASA CIDADE JARDIM ESCOLA VIVA [[Yvy House City Garden Living School]

Every garden is the epicentre of a land. The Earth is not flat. In the fourth week, we concluded this study cycle of CASA-ESCOLA.

26/10 (Saturday) – 11 AM to 1 PM: launch of the book Filosofia da Casa, by Emanuele Coccia at Casa do Povo.
Book signing and a discussion circle exploring different perspectives on homes and their cultural and social relevance, featuring Emanuele Coccia, Cristine Takuá, Isael Maxakali, Júlia de Carvalho Hansen, and Rita Carelli.

26/10 (Saturday) – 2 PM to 6 PM: Planting of a garden on the ground floor of Casa do Povo.

Photos: Fred Siewerdt

Book Filosofia da casa [Philosophy of the home]

Since childhood, we have drawn houses, but we have rarely reflected on what they are, what they shelter, or what they leave out. In this book, Emanuele Coccia guides us through an intimate and delightful narrative to explore rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and memories, presenting the house as a space for our relationship with the world and with ourselves. The book unfolds the experience of Metamorfoses [Metamorphoses] [Metamorphoses] (Dantes, 2021), this time inviting us to enter the cocoons and ultimately redefine them. Drawings by the artist Luiz Zerbini serve as imagistic notes that create a new dialogue with the text, modulating possibilities. Learn more about the book here.

Tropigalpão – Rio de Janeiro – 23/10/24

Photos: Mauricio Machado

Casa do Povo – São Paulo – 26/10/24

Photos: Fred Siewerdt