Below, you'll find an overview of the year and the published materials.
Wild Conversation – Ailton Krenak and Marcelo Gleiser
Wild Chat – Jeremy Narby – Shamanism and Viruses
Wild Chat – Els Lagrou – DAU and Huni Kuin
Live: Pre-launch of the book Metamorphoses (Dantes, 2020) and an exclusive interview with Emanuele Coccia
Wild Chat with philosopher Emanuele Coccia and artist Luiz Zerbini
Interview with Emanuele Coccia about Metamorphoses at the Orto Botanico in Rome
Wild Talk – Ailton Krenak and Emanuele Coccia
Wild Chat – A Walk in Jurema's Garden
Wild Conversation – Ailton Krenak and Anna Dantes
Everything You Want to Know About Selvagem in 7 Minutes
Anna and Ailton Connect the Antennas
Wild Conversation – Jeremy Narby and Ailton Krenak